USI Ceramic Embedded Rubber Sand Screw Shoes

In Installations and Products Offered, Sand Screw Shoes, Uncategorized by Brent

USI supplies ceramic embedded rubber sand screw shoes to protect sand classifier flights in washed sand production. High quality abrasion resistant ceramic cylinders are embedded into thick rubber and fused to a full metal backing plate. The equipment in this video is a McLanahan 44″ sand screw classifier producing concrete sand for a customer in southern California. Ceramic embedded rubber abrasion resistant wear shoes were supplied by Unique Solutions for Industry out of Henderson, NV. Previous installed cast metal Ni-Hard shoes lasted 2 years before needing to be replaced. This video was shot after the ceramic embedded rubber shoes were installed for almost one full year of production. We are expecting several years of wear and the life expectancy of these ceramic embedded rubber abrasion resistant wear shoes are expected to outlast the cast metal Ni-Hard shoes by many times over.